
Offer Flavorful Fall Specials in your Restaurant

We are excited to talk about the fall season’s hottest flavors for full-service restaurants. Let’s look at some of the ingredients to add to your menu.

Pumpkin and Squash

Pumpkin and a variety of squashes are classic during the fall seasons. They are also easy and versatile and can be used in offering fall specials to your customers. Let’s look at a few more details of these two favorite flavors.


The pumpkin flavor can be used in various dishes, including main dishes, soups, desserts, and beverages. For your restaurant, try diced pumpkin in salads, pumpkin-filled ravioli, pumpkin soups, diced pumpkin salads, pumpkin-filled pasta, and pumpkin bread.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a wonderful addition to the fall season as it has a nutty, sweet flavor that tastes delightful, like pumpkin. It becomes creamy and soft after being cooked and is a versatile vegetable that can be used in all your fall and winter dishes.

You can use butternut squash to make gnocchi, pasta, salads, soups, and other unique dishes for your restaurant.

Delicata Squash

Delicata squash is colorful and can be thinly sliced and used as a quick side dish for your restaurant patrons. Your chefs can sauté or grill it, which pairs nicely with fresh herbs such as sage and rosemary. 

Add spices to your delicate squash dishes, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and brown sugar, to make a decadent side dish for any meal.

Related Links: Visit Chasin Foods product catalog today!

Classic Fall Flavors

Besides squashes and pumpkin flavors, there are classic fall flavors that can bring your menu alive during this warm season.

  • Vegetables: Roasted vegetables such as squashes, cauliflower, asparagus, and sweet potatoes will continue to be a classic for fall menus. You can add seasonal vegetables to salads, such as butternut squash, burrata, and roasted pears.
  • Dried Fruits: Dried fruits such as dates, apricots, and cranberries make fabulous salad toppers for the fall.
  • Fresh Herbs: Always crucial at any time of the year, fresh herbs such as rosemary, mint, basil, and sage add delicious flavors to all the fall specials you serve in your restaurant.
  • Beets: Beets are a classic addition to any dish and make for a unique ingredient for soups and salads.

Design Your Menu Around Fall Flavors

If you are a full-service restaurant, you can give your customers the fall dining experience they crave. Look for an experienced and reliable food service distributor to help bring the tastes of the fall season to your restaurant.

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